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The Lurking HorrorBallyhooDeadlineBeyond Zork: The Coconut of QuendorTombs & TreasureTrinityZork ISuspectJourney: The Quest BeginsSuspendedLane Mastodon vs. the BlubbermenSorcererWishbringerJames Clavell's ShogunFooblitzkyBattleTech: The Crescent Hawks' RevengeMars SagaZork Zero: The Revenge of MegabozPlundered HeartsSeastalkerZork: The Great Underground EmpireNord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of ItEnchanterStarcrossBureaucracyStationfallSpellbreakerBattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's InceptionLeather Goddesses of PhobosGamma Force in Pit of a Thousand ScreamsSherlock: The Riddle of the Crown JewelsBorder ZonePlanetfallZork II: The Wizard of FrobozzInfidel